Saturday, September 10, 2011


So, I'm wanting to kind of change up th'old blog a bit. I don't know about you, but I like to read blogs. Especially blogs written by real moms, about real stuff. Throw in a few tutorials, before and afters, organizational tips, and you've got a blog that I subscribe to!

I have been writing my imaginary blog in my mind for quite some time, but have been reluctant to take the plunge. Who needs another blog written by a stay-at-home mom anyway?

I do.

I need somewhere to record my life. Somewhere to share my creations. Somewhere to write ideas and things I'm learning.

So. Here is my new blog. Same place. Different name. And hopefully more consistent.

Life is fun!


Jenny said...

Love the new look Megan! Life IS fun, and I'm looking forward to read more about yours!

Jodie said...

You are awesome!

Laura said...

Megan! So cool.