Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Goings on

1. We had Christmas and were very blessed:

2. We celebrated New Year's:

3. Sam had his baby blessing:

4. The kids "helped" me shovel the snow:

5. I made this blanket for Sam for Christmas (but didn't take a picture of him with it till last week):

6. John dislocated his shoulder by slipping on the ice. Luckily it was at work, so he is getting worker's compensation.

7. I started an infant massage class at the Parent Link Centre.

8. John and I will be taking a Positive Parenting course at the Parent Link Centre starting next week.

9. I swept the floor.


Becky said...

Megan, I love you - you're hilarious. Your kids are also so stinkin' cute.

redeck liber said...

I hate sweeping